EVAC - March Mutiny 2025
Weight Classes:
3lb Beetleweight - Maximum Combatants: 16
1lb Antweight - Maximum Combatants: 8
1lb Plastic Antweight - Maximum Combatants: 24
150g Fairyweights - Maximum Combatants: 8
Bot Count Limit:
Limit of 2 bots, per driver, per weight class.
Registration Fees:
$25 Beetleweight
$20 Full Combat Ant
$15 Plastic Ant
$15 Fairyweight
Payments can be made through PayPal. If competing in more then one weight class you will need to use the link for each weight class. If you are competing with more then one bot in a single weight class you can pay for both at once, please include both robot names.
Spectators: Free
Engineering Center Building E
Address: 951 Palm Walk, Tempe, AZ 85281
Rough Schedule:
7:00am - Doors Open
8:00am - Registration Begins
8:45am - Drivers Meeting
9:00am - 12:00pm - Competition
12:00pm - 1:00pm - Lunch
1:00pm - 8:45pm - Competition
8:45-9:00pm - Awards Ceremony
9:00-10:00pm - Cleanup
SPARC Robot Construction Specifications v1.5
For any questions on the rules, please email or post a question on the EVAC Discord